From a day of pain can come light and comfort Imagine a clear but lightly shaded gray day A smattering of puffy gray clouds dot the sky A cool but not cold air and breeze fills your lungs The smell of salt and the sea Sounds of waves crashing to the shore Soft, silky sand runs through your bare feet and toes Sitting in the sand half buried sits a glass crystal ball almost glistening It is about the size of a grapefruit, perhaps a bit larger As you pick it it up to look at it, you notice a piece of red velvet inside along with a note written on white paper You open the ball and take out the note to read it You are instructed to touch the areas where you feel pain and then touch the red velvet inside the ball You then close the ball back up and return it where you found it and then continue walking down the beach As you turn around to look at the glass ball one more time you notice it has risen off the ground and is shooting towards the sky where it all but disappears A short time later you hear an explosion in the sky As you look up, the sky is a deep gold color Threads of gold start to rain down and as they touch you they become golden stars before vanishing You notice any pain you had is now gone and all you feel is peace and comfort