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Mar 2024
reliant on the skin,
and anatomy within
The human life,
is Medicine’s wildlife
In the fields
City yields
Humans become unwell
Medicine treats,
or aids the symptom recovery,
molecules and the cell
Organs as well
Chemistry and Physics
Natural Science bell
They need each other at times
On the slab what does Medicine see
The Anatomy and Physiology as you and me
Beyond the Medicine eyes,
the treatment of nature resides
Conceived through nature
Living as nature
You are nature
Nature well-being
Doctors nature seeing
Medicine compliments the nature being

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
Nature-based Well-being Services are Vital Within Hospital and Primary Care Settings For Patients, Families Doctors and Hospital Staff.
The Future of The NHS.

March 2, 2024
Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.

Nature-based Well-being Services are Vital Within The Hospital Environment.
Networks With Significant Techniques that
Develop Nature-based Well-being Practice as Part of Every Hospital Setting.
NHS Great Demand and Financial Stress.
Hospital Doctors Must Have Access to a Doctoral PhD Practitioner Versed in Scientific Nature-based Research Practice.
Primary Care Services The First Point of Community Contact For Human-beings.

Where is the Nature-based well-being service or room within hospitals for families and individuals to go and look after the intrinsic nature-based human-being. All human-beings are nature.

Any human-being visiting accident and emergency departments or acute resus areas within the hospital settings will experience a stressful time. People with disabilities and other conditions that affect their emotions have to go to accident and emergency environments also.

There is also the acute resus part of ANY hospital environment, where patients are seriously unwell. Where is the nature-based music as well as nature-based words within the resus area?

Patients who are in hospital or who are admitted to hospital are not given access to nature which is what every human-being is. In order to promote their well-being which is vital for their life and health.

Where is the Nature-based PhD Practitioner for advice and information in the hospital setting?  This is non-existent in the hospital environment.

Dr Diviney believes that this is a very cost effective service that could be implemented with ease within all hospitals. A nature-based room is only going to take a spare room in a hospital. It may only be open at certain times of the day, but the access to nature-based music and nature-based words could be accessed 24 hours a day.

The NHS services are under great demand and stress financially even more so in the current climate and alleviating the anxiety and stressful circumstances that are already present on admission to Accident and Emergency or into a Hospital Ward would greatly be alleviated by incorporating nature-based well-being for patients and families, thus minimising costs to the NHS.

Not all patients will recover and leave the hospital setting. However, for patients who are in an emergency environment within hospital, admitted to hospital wards or intensive care, providing focused nature based well-being services is only going to aid the overall holistic health of those patients and families who wish to engage and use nature-based well-being services.

Without nature based practice patients and families are being denied access to part of themselves that is proven scientifically to aid holistic health and well-being.

All human beings who visit the hospital setting and all who work within the hospital setting as well as emergency environments and resus areas will benefit from nature-based services, which in turn is only going to provide a more calm, restful and non-stressful experience for all human-beings in relation to their health.

The proven Scientific Research of Dr Diviney means Nature-based well-being should be a standard practice in the hospital setting.
Patients and families should be informed of this service for all human-beings. It is then a personal choice of individuals and families if they wish to access this service. The same as when patients and families are offered access to speak with a Chaplain.

Primary Care is meant to provide person-focused care with the focus of optimising population health disparities, across the population by ensuring there is person focused care and all of humanity have equal access to services.
Primary care including optometry (eye health) Dental, Health Visiting, District Nursing and GP practices.


Nature-based music being played in accident and emergency hospital environments. Nature-based Well-being rooms in hospitals, for individuals and families.

There should be readable literature within the hospital, waiting areas and on wards for patients and families to read.

There should be contact details of a nature-based practitioner that can be accessed at certain times for advice and information.

Doctors must also have access to a Doctoral PhD Practitioner versed in Scientific nature-based Research Practice, thus treating patients the level of insight that a PhD provides to medical teams is also vital to the well-being of patients.

MD (Medical Doctors) and other Staff Members are under a huge amount of stress in the accident and emergency departments in hospitals as well as on wards.The holistic health and well-being of staff members is also paramount within the working environment.

Nature-based well-being practice must be available to doctors, nurses and staff members in the hospitals, through a Doctoral PhD Practitioner. Doctors should be able to consult with a Doctoral PhD Practitioner versed in Scientific Nature-based Research Practice in relation to the care of patients that they are treating.

Primary Care Person-centred focused Care is the first point of Community Contact for patients. Patient well-being can be optimised by incorporating the above recommendations in an adapted format within the Primary Care context.

Dental Practices
Optometry (eye health)
Primary Care long admission or short stay Community admission.
Appointment waiting areas.
There should be readable literature.
Nature-based music being played in environments.
Informing patients of where and how to access nature-based well-being, provided at PhD Practitioner level.

District Nurses and Health Visiting:
information/advice of readable literature and nature-based audio. Informing patients of where and how to access nature-based well-being.


PhD + MD = research and medicine
we can see,
why is this patient unwell
He or she
Human sensation
Autonomic nervous system relation,
is speaking to you
The body's internal system,
is under attack too
A PhD focuses on research,
to expand knowledge in the peony fields,
when the buds don't open,
and the flowers struggle to bloom,
bring the PhD in the room
Human condition
Nature mission

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
Universe Poems
Written by
Universe Poems  F/London
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