I am still healing ,
sped up by , loves muse ,
without the meeting of kind hearts,
~ all over ~
there would be no respite.
It's the collision of old and new that continue to disintegrate in my mind ,
there seems no end to the mysteries that lie innate within us , just waiting to be opened.
Like presents in christmas wrapping delivered in the middle of july.
and all these reflexes : of cutting off love when it's the most pure , is just left over imprints , of times when there was no other option, but to make armor out of tears and black out the rest -
So i hope you understand when i say , i don't mean to be mean or to seem cold ,
or to ask for more then you could possibly give ,
(it's just the way i love , love)
i'd hold you in nightmares and make sure the daemons stay away (or at best , tell them a bedtime story so we can run the heck out of there) , make sure you get your daily doses of meditation , daily shot of imagination , daily hugs and kisses , daily pep talks...whatever...i just love, with open eyes , yet every time i seem to have done that , to love ~ to grant uncensored access to my soul , i get ladened with disappointments. So , now you know , it's with a humble fragility that i would dare say i love you.
I have learnt though , with much caution does the word love need to be used.
In the short time it takes to say , already a million worlds have ended and a million more begun ,
And love is best tasted , when there is nothing expected
so it is with caution i lay any plans ,
but heck.
(over the edge and over again)
So , i throw caution to winds domain ,
and if caution returns
i'll know
it is best with caution,
but until then,
i bow humbly to the wounded healers who run still , who have ran their races , who leave trails of blood on floor and heal others
someone once said
'love is purpose'
but it's true ~ sometimes i wish i was a porpoise.
this is not a love letter per-se ..............dust blows in from eastern shores , western winters soon to be exchanged for tropical beaches once more , and still on the horizon ...snowfall and mulled wines i'm sure....