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Feb 21
Have you found such a person?
One who loves you unconditionally.
All I hope is you'll overlook my defects,
Staying by my side for eternity.
Whether I'm housed in flesh or wispy spirit,
Will you acknowledge me?
Don't brush over my presence,
Take my hand and talk endlessly.
Even if I never open my mouth,
This smooth voice is all the comfort I need.

Despite how I may appear,
And regardless of who you see,
Can you still lend me your love and devotion?
You'll follow me...
Even if I'm unworthy...
And for long as it's meant to,
My heart will beat.
Do you want a room inside?
You can't rent, only buy-
The price is an unbreakable promise...
Stay with me.
Written by
Orpheus  18/Agender/Grand Junction
(18/Agender/Grand Junction)   
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