A worse fate than death being hull hive, I just realized after a surprise inspection our opportunity to relocate cursed after yours truly and the missus subjected to vitriolic wrath (okay hyperbole employed for poetic effect) will exhale his last dying breath condemned to reside within unit b44, however many orbitz remain,
whereby yours truly already misspent six and a half years since exiting the birth canal sixty five January thirteenths ago, and set his sights on a two bedroom apartment named Hillcrest Manor located in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, which cautious optimism (door) dashed because housekeeping tasks
not a strong point with neither myself or thee missus subsequently prospect to move found us frantically using elbow grease to make the bathroom, (especially the toilet - thank ye dear wife) sparkling clean plus she applied vigorous exertion to scour the freezer (prior to said effort, the refrigerator
and upper compartment for frozen food, on par to be qualified as FEMA* site), meanwhile slender arms of a former slender man (me) energetically swept the floor comprising area designated for multitudinous accommodation (with intent to vacuum said carpeted quarter), cuz invariable the recently hired warden
one frumpy office clerk Kathleen Bergen, will report back to her supervisor, which expected escalation of our abominable negligence could spell (worse case scenario) becoming homeless in Schwenksville, but predicated on past encounters of the third kind with similar lease violation, we got granted grace period
to buckle down and plug away with responsibility, which translates as getting down to brass tacks and voluntarily keeping our living space tidy, an object lesson learned late in life remembering the house of my boyhood (324 Level Road) a sprawling mansion
populated with mice and squirrels, (the latter making quite a racket, particularly at night), plus a truckload of cats and dogs, which latter profusely shed thick fur (enough to make a coat) helping beget dust bunnies galore, subsequently nurturing a healthy rapport with ***** deeds done dirt cheap and true grit while traveling along the highway to hell.
*Federal Emergency Management Agency an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created under President Jimmy Carter by Presidential Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978 and implemented by two Executive Orders on April 1.