They come closed not really knowing, how their petals will be opened In the grand throws, nobody knows The World continues to move A time capsule that perhaps, may not be smooth Peonies lots The doors open Who’s coming in Bare root Potted garden Some afternoon shade Peonies like fertile, rich, well-drained soil Think lots of nutrients No heavy soggy clay To produce stunning blooms, humans need to feel well enough, from the inside looms, and when they don't a medical team, steps in to produce a beam
PhD + MD = research and medicine we can see, why is this patient unwell He or she Human sensation Autonomic nervous system relation, is speaking to you The body's internal system, is under attack too Peripheral A PhD focuses on research, to expand knowledge in the peony fields, when the buds don't open, and the flowers struggle to bloom, bring the PhD in the room Human condition Nature mission