lesson 1: that my opinion should be either black or white in order to have any skin in this game called "life". I don't agree to it, so I'll play my "chances" in the grey.
lesson 2: do your research, read the room, roll your dice carefully and become a standout "monopoly" the ultimate navigation through "chutes and ladders"
lesson 3: saying "sorry" will take you in circles until you arrive back to square 1 - home base a dangerous term that can leave your heart on the "operation" table.
lesson 4: trust your gut when a "clue," in all its forms, occurs. Remember, you're on a "battleship" and if you don't plant your ships carefully, you'll be the one drowning.
lesson 5: it's all "chess." some folks are pawns in your game. others act as knights and rooks. women (queens) will move freely and embody their power and flexibility men (kings), though vulnerable and limited, hold authoritative power. kings promote pawns...play the board carefully.
In other words... stay to yourself, do your work, stick to your guns (not literal guns) lead by example and be selective with your time and who you trust.