The strings of her heart are woven through his fingers and when she's sad, she leans back, lets the feeling of falling remind her that she's alive And even though it only hurts And even though it makes her want to die She leans Most of the time he leaves the strings slack, he's curled up inside himself Inside all the tangles of his mind and that time he almost died But when he feels strong, he gives a pull just to remind her that he's alive Just a little tug to keep her on the ride
She bites, and it ******* stings She slaps and lashes and apologizes night after night after Night, and in the morning she is terrified Because she knows that her strings are made out of knives Because she knows what happens when you remove the blade, she's seen the blood on the tile Seen the blood in his eyes His strings are invisible So she never knows what he wants All ******* in him, he jerks and twitches, his strings are taut in the throes of invisible tides So it looks like she's possessed on the other end of his lines They're both so sorry So much of the time
I am just a tangle of strings Not particularly tied to anything I ponder my knots with sticky fingers waiting For the day when I decide to rip myself apart all over someone else Just like all my friends