You work at the mines mate? You must be raking it in?!
"Awake at 5, sometimes before Hivis and boots then out the door No one to kiss goodbye Just go.
Give a nod and half smile to nightshift Sleep still in the eyes Roll on in for prestart A dingy container powered by a loud generator Say g'day to the boys and the supervisor.
Get in trouble, for not being clean shaved Apologies, forgot, all good, here's a razor Dry shave, water lubricant Try to complain but the money's too good.
8 more days, just push through the heat Worn out boots and swollen feet Paperwork galore, but wait, there's more There's been an incident and my feet are sore.
The misso didn't text The kids are a handful She's 2 flights away so carry on Just stay strong.
Head in the game, eyes on the job We must prevent complacency With reiterating the same thing Over and over and over again.
We all dress the same "King Gee" orange overalls We all smell the same Except for the supervisors.
Sulpher and acids and alarms and things Risks and controls and signatures Old mate forgot to sign on He won't last, cos he forgot to sign on.
Eyes on task, line of fire, rah rah rah Just get the job done With an itchy face And an idiot that won't shut up.
12hours of push Crib breaks with strangers The misso still hasn't touched base Miss her touch and beautiful face.
Just realised, the shift is over As the sun sets over the smelter Pack up, *******, couple beers at the mess Too tired to realise, she still hasn't text.
Boots and hivis left by the door (**** my feet are sore) Fast asleep before my head hits the bed Awake at 5, do it again."
Yeah mate, it's not too bad...
Ive worked in mining for over 20years. It is not as cracked up as it sounds...