There’s something astounding About our place here standing on a planet circling a burning furnace full of hydrogen atoms colliding and fusing and slowly eating itself alive, flaming into the light and heat and imposition of a life giving god casting countenance through the emptiness and unfathomable distances of outer space Until the day it decides it’s tired Of All the effort it takes to scream into the void for all time and hold the cycle steady so that something it’s never touched can “count their days” and keep a schedule based on dividing entropy arbitrarily into increasingly small divisions like eons and epochs and eras, then to centuries, decades, years, Months and days, down to hours and minutes and seconds, and eventually atomic rates of decay so small and short and fleeting and transient as to be inconsequential for them to be named.
It is the only star you see during day, And when it hides away it’s shine A vast dark void reveals its presence Just behind the painted skies she illuminates with radiation from the chaotic energy that shattered atoms release and reverberate and it reflects and refracts and reveals the presence of the heavy elements it made that coalesced into small collections of elemental ***** spinning and floating and collapsing in upon themselves under minuscule but compounded atomic weight
And in its blanket black indifference little signs of somethings distant and gigantic and ancient shine through the darkest reaches of infinite shadow and silent solitude
5000 years ago our ancestors took a rudimentary set of lines and scribbled simple symbols on the nocturnal symphony because they realized the points of light passed through the same part of the night at a given time, and If you knew which specks were in what patch of sky you could figure out how to navigate great distances because the heavens are ever wide and the same sky flies over every place, and no matter how far you had wandered into the wilderness or how far off course you’d floated away, you could always find a way back home, no path necessary, from any place where you had found yourself, whether you’d been trying desperately to find some sort of peace of mind of any kind, or simply running from some thing terrible or even menial, it’s all the same.
But moving south Across the equatorial belt Into the southern hemisphere Sailing west away from land Dancing north toward the horizon line The heavens shift in subtle Variations so the stars you might expect to find are in a completely different orientation that cannot easily be aligned But you can always seek out the belt and dagger of the Titan Hunter of the sky. And it might confuse you as to why he seems to be there upside down or on his side. But do not worry you have not lost your bearing it’s simply a matter of of perspective from the angle which you find yourself considering your local night
And a flat earth theory would try to have you believe that there’s no such thing as an equatorial divide, but the fact that Orión Cartwheels across the horizon from the southern side, while from the north he takes a strolling path across the southern horizon line, and yet he never changes his permanent position directly in the summer spring fall or winter sky, tells you somethings out there further than we can fathom and somewhere even farther is the beginning of time.