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Oct 2013
I move across the dance floor, a magnetic attraction to the man on the opposite side of the room.
He pulls me, he pushes me, he moves me with his stare. I'm crushed by the weight of his glare,
Yet it feels so right; I'm forced to call his attention. Dare I ask him to dance?  
His answer is a tremendous weight lifted off my chest.  I breathe and sway along with him,
While his eyes never disconnect with mine.  The music fades away, I'm left with the thump of my heart,
He hears mine and I hear his.  Mine beats with a steady, ready note; His, like the future is unpredictable.
He intrigues me, I'm more than eager to know him from the inside out.
I take a step closer, he follows my lead. Next, it will be his turn to show me the way.  
Do I trust he won't lead me to a dark place?
His smile glows and lights our path, we travel towards ideas and laughs.
The sensation he shares with me takes a voyage through my body and carries on to his.
The temptation is mutual, but is the intention the same?
Until I find out, the spark stays a flame.
I wrote this almost exactly two years ago, in 2011.  Me and my soulmate had met the previous month, and I was already beginning to fall for him; it seemed so unreal at the time for it to be happening so quickly.  I fell in love with him almost immediately, but one can never be to cautious in the start.  To this day we are still going strong!  I'm happy and still madly in love.  It'll be out two years anniversary on October 16th :)
Jess Rose
Written by
Jess Rose  Wisconsin, United States
(Wisconsin, United States)   
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