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Dec 2023
10:27 Post Meridiem
Eastern Standard Time,
Thursday December 21
Location: 2 Highland Manor Drive
Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
40.2562° N, 75.4638° W
Sunrise time: 7:31 am↑(121°)
Sunset time: 4:46 pm ↑(239°)
Day length: 9:14:42.

Mine circadian rhythm pulsates bright
imperceptible increments of daylight
increase fantasy fanciful heavenly flight
as I imagine myself
Icarus fearlessly gaining height
blindly heading into sunbeam light
strongly advised courtesy experts to travel

toward nearest star at night,
nevertheless unbeknownst plight
awaits me should foolhardiness
skew sense and sensibility right
off kilter yours truly blithely soars
reins of waxed wings held tight.

Plus I, a garden variety generic guy
aging long haired pencil neck geek
who presently wonders why,
rare astronomical phenomena
hashtagged great conjunction 2020 doth defy
illusory phenomena whereby,

two largest planets of solar system
about 1095 five days ago
Jupiter and Saturn separated in the sky
amateur astronomer seen
courtesy visible/ naked eye
6 arcminutes at their closest point,
which was the closest separation
between the two planets since 1623.

Inhabitants upon solar systems far and wide
will find Earthlings and aliens alike
their curiosity well supplied
out of world event
sponsored courtesy monopolists.

American Family Insurance
chose home renovation
duo Drew and Jonathan Scott
aka Property Brothers sweat equity
find fixer-uppers and transform them
into dream homes
use state-of-the-art imagery programs
to unveil their plans for how
properties will look after transformation,
but potential home buyers
have to take risk
to make the twins' vision come true,
and it's up to Jonathan and Drew
to convince the couples  
purchasing an older home
in need of work is best option.
Written by
matthew scott harris  64/M/schwenksville, penna
(64/M/schwenksville, penna)   
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