I love myself. I do. I don't talk much. Too scared to blink. Too much anticipation to know what you think and if its about me. Theres an art in not knowing. A method of sorts. Theres an interest in strangers who could easily tear us apart. Right now i'm uncertain. See, you ooze divine. A beauty to a borderline but I have been led by shine twice before directly into a nose dive. I lived to tell the tale but I promise you i'm much more careful. Your shine is more than a shine though. It's a glow and Ireallywant to know you. Whats a being like you wanting anything to do with me? I know all that I could be but there's no way that way you see. I am more than my words, I can give you the world if only you'd let me. The anxiety is sitting in my stomach as each hour passes that i'm waiting for your response and I realize I'm long gone.