a wearied heart dislikes a drawbridge set to keep one out while letting one in wearied by the stop and go of the flow across it and of the flow under it
wearied of the constant up-and-down pulling up, letting down the never-ending demand for passwords the disappointment in the incorrect answers
the fear that it chose wrong that it will regret this choice and thus it keeps out more than it allows in gives more than it gets, which is just enough
just enough to keep it fed by hope just enough to keep it alive and yearning just enough of just enough just enough of only enough
yet, that mustard seed of hope grows, flowers, then casts more seeds, fields of hope cover the heart and Love returns, pure, immaculate
then the bascule ceases its wearying monotony ceases its thoughtless habitual movements settles into place, allows the natural flow of letting-in and clearing-out to commence
beginning with Hope, Gratitude, and Love ending with Life eternal