Love is fear, eye to eye love is fear, hand in hand, love is fear. heart to heart.
I am tethered to you by a slender golden chain. A puppet and its strings above. An ordinary girl and a spectacular love.
The depths of my bones have hallowed out to store our memories and ours alone. Clear as day, sweet as honey, but as gentle as the wind, as fragile as a snowflake under a spring sun.
We are one and yet not one enough. Two halves of a destined whole. How disheartening it is to realize you are mine and yet also betrothed to Providence.
So I whisper prayers for a mourning I will never have to feel. I whisper prayers of winged feet to carry us to an unbreakable, unshakeable land.
Because love is fear And I fear my bones will stay hollow without you. Love is fear. And I fear my body would buckle under all that heart break.
To love is to fear. Fear that we may never be eye to eye, hand in hand, heart to heart ever again.