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Jul 2010
what lovely bones you,ve got. sO neatly in your arms.
   christened with your muscles. and nerves. so specifically (and arrogant)
the frame, white;and stiff!suspended the correctness of your
*******. supple drops of flesh,

    in the between of my hands

corrupting. should you yes and lift it: the cotton breeding 'neath mine fascia) i w i      ll
     lay in you  my immutable splendor.

where the grass is crinkled suddenly under the pressure of your
            inexhaustible perfections. the tree is also, boughs spread.
some shade; for rough lovers. how sore you make me.
    these roots are hard. blistered the ***** skin.


little sun. make a soft blanket. star strewn. by the graveyard.

                    it was quiet
PK Wakefield
Written by
PK Wakefield
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