a green silhouette of grey, towering in secret turmoil where shadows shuffle past clothed in draperies of U like the front door of a public house at night time on moments they stop and peer through windows as if searching for themselves and seeing themselves not within place a hand on each others shoulder with slender tapered touch to life and wander on looking for the fresh warm rain of belief, any belief they just don't care dark as unforgiven justice neither divine nor temporal forms shadows that reflect no change ensure no truth, show no energy to immerse and this applies no effort to pick their chaos nor specialised catastrophies though do marshal devils of distinction from the ramparts of the night who dance in crooked form twisting around the indolence of faces peering through others windows howls too for they make such howls as such the shadows dismiss them to their own oblivion the shadows in their old humiliating story move on still peeping, peeking and peering but they languish in a wander land always calm and reasonable they move on like gassed first world war soldiers but trembling inwardly with a frightful rage cursing priests veined with age who have told everyone's confession and doctors slowly losing their hair who never confess their secrets not even to veined faced priests and sometimes in a few seconds these few but precious seconds before the next window it is remembered, yes remembered shadows are the colour of light