Sunlight streaming thru window body electric of mine doth whet begets hardiness to acclimate against PECO shut off threat ideal opportunity to spouse analogous to her being my emotional pet snuggling while standing in kitchenette but accidental twerking can guarantee yours truly (me) being recipient of epithet.
I bundle up to stay warm inside my cold man cave particularly as average outside temperature for November twentieth two thousand and twenty three hovers between high and low fifty degrees fahrenheit nearly brisk enough to see my breath.
I and/or the imaginary paramour take our separate showers during warmest hours of the day less optimal to engage in neighborly horseplay, but more ideal for mistress (ha) to pad around the unit donning her lingerie, which nonverbally signals (and greenlights) more than voluminous words, hence, I seal lips of mine
despite sudden aroused frisky urge to burble exhibiting debauched casanova behavior accompanied courtesy illustrative of suave debonair popinjay rerouting spontaneous seduction today indicative of throbbing bulbous anatomical appurtenance, which protrusion nullifies necessity of x-ray to identify sudden source of vasocongestion.
During daylight hours fresh air arbitrarily, humorously, and noiselessly streams and wafts thru screened windows ushering invisible scents and audible sounds of the webbed wide world here, in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania our neck of the woods since seventeenth year after second century Anno Domini.
Civilizations since time immemorial revered fiery celestial ball establishing their respective mythology which scheme attempted to explain divine thermonuclear processes sustaining the nearest star, which Sol Invictus did enthrall housing an astronomical object comprising a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by self-gravity within the heavenly vault divine creator didst install which supposed movement in the sky signified daytime and nightfall linkedin with planet earth a veritable, observable, honorable, and admirable terrestrial tetherball.