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Nov 2023
I just need a friend to cry
On his shoulder
Oh I wish I never grew older
If I could I’d erase last two years
Of my life
But it’s useless
To regret of the past
I know it is useless
But I still do
Sometimes I just wish
That I never knew you
(Cause now you’re gone anyway)
I almost don’t think about you
But in my dreams you’re chasing me
Your voice, your face
Are chasing me
And I’m not changing
Not at all
I’m just the saddest of them all
And there’s no use for me
I’m just existing
Like a wild flower
I’m weak
I’ve got no power
Anyone can pluck me out
This soil doesn’t fit me anyway
Doesn’t nurture me
And you ****** the life out of me
I was so alive!
I was alive!
I was alive!
I was
But I’m not anymore
Not anymore
We are not anymore
We aren’t
But I was alive before you
Where has she gone?
I don’t recognize myself
Everyone’s doing something important
Achieving their important goals
Living up to their dreams
And it all makes sense
But I do not make any sense
Not at all
and I don’t know how to make any sense
All the ways lead to the dead end
Written by
Dikshya  F/Nepal
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