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James Anderson
Jul 2010
Starless Sky
I look up at the starless sky
Without the stars who should be there
Sharing this moment with me
This moment that hold no significance
While I look, I miss the sky
I miss the stars
I miss the light they provide
All that’s left is the moon
All alone that poor moon is
Glowing in the dark
When it should be glowing in the light
Just like me, alone when we should have others
I feel the moon’s sorrow
For I feel the same
The empty sky is no place
No place for either of us
I wonder what happened
Those poor little flecks of light
One day here
The next day gone
Not a single word was said
About their disappearance
All forget about them
Except for the moon and I
Every night I would look
Waiting for the stars to come back
To see the moon no longer alone
To see the sky back alight
Every night I would look
And ever y time I would despair
For the stars are still gone
And show no sign of returning
I hear the moon weep
The man on the moon weeps
The tears silent
But the sorrow is deafening
After eons passed
The stars did not return
I waited, and so did the moon
Finding comfort in each other’s presence
There are some nights
When the moon is gone
And the sky is dark
Missing the moon
I detest those nights
Fearing the worst
That the moon had gone
And joined the stars
My fears never came to pass
For the moon would always return
At first a sliver
Then it would all be back
Even in the darkness of space
The moon kept it bright
A single candle in the darkness
Burning ever bright
I went out one night to see the moon
That was my reason now
For I knew the stars were gone
But the moon was still there
And on that one special night
I realized with keep insight
That not all the stars were gone
That one was still left
For the moon was not a candle
But a mirror
It reflected the light off another
The light of the Sun
I told the moon what I figured
And the moon was joyous
For not all the stars had left
The Sun was still there
And armed with that fact
That one star was still there
A glimmer of hope rekindled
And I knew what I had to do
I said farewell to the moon
It knew what I was doing
I left for the sky
To bring back the stars
Just started writing because a friend inspired me to write, and this is what I came up with.
Written by
James Anderson
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