houses so close you can’t have sunlight without voyeurism but how can one resist this air of night’s invigoration her thick ankles can be seen through the lifted shade next to the beer and rumpled magazines on her coffee table it is 7:30, the kids are in bed, the husband, who knows? it’s pull-tab night at the corner bar, he likes that young girl who sells them flicker, it feels good to sit down how ironic that my long awaited silence feels so lonely flicker, maybe if i bought that he would look at me again flicker, do i even care anymore? *** is more work than it’s worth sometimes flicker, Jacque and Lisa keep me company, maybe i DO want the deluxe faux ruby necklace and earing set flicker, i wanted to be a ballerina when i was little my god this house has awfully low ceilings flicker, all this thinking is making me tired
inspired by passing my neighbor's window last night and saw her watching the home shopping channel.