Garrulous. Crunchy leaves don't lament the lack of artfulness Nor artifice, or the lustful way in which I Walk out of Kristen's house Expecting them not to attack
I just ramble on and on Waiting for you to draw your blade My neck has always been naked I don't wear steel plates
Brandishing it all the time Your teeth sparkle in the sunlight When you smile, they shine Once I was a kid, back then it never forked my mind
What I do inside is not wrong And that doesn't mean I'm clinging to pride The way nature touches herself Are we like the mantis? Did you warn me not to do it again?
The brown leaves skitter across the street They cannot escape and so they hope to be crushed up into dirt And sometimes get swept up and strangled by plastic bags But even plastic burns when you get it hot enough
So maybe the ocean is really getting cleaner every second