It never melted for starters the Magic Icicle could talk it had humors jealousies aversions deep rending tides of love and week long fits of giggling It had been crafted by Father Frost The Emperor of the North his breath could wreck a train and send a picnic scattering Billy never met the Frost King who he heard was a ballroom dancer fast on his feet tipita tapita the dance finals were approaching it was Billy's job to suss the opposition his reports gave the Emperor a step up on the competition which was stiff as beaten egg whites there were the castrati pair Harley and Davidson who were fast and supple and could ignite a rattling **** 10 feet from the judges' candle and rocket blurringly past them like the jaguar under a jungle moon there was Nip and Tuck Edwardians from the pages of Lord Knackwit they could anticipate every dip and swirl and often stood quite still then there were the Rubber Twins Bobby Rubber and Loquatia Rubber gliding ever gliding and then rebounding in a ricochet ballet of Newtonian elasticity with a certainty that will pirouette right over your thin skinned inadequacies undying in their devotion to ******* and ropes and pulleys and an elephant in a china shop agenda while crickets rubbed their lanterns bright and the night grew big as the Frog of Creation hopping and hipping you along on the dance floor of partial eternity so loosen up and listen up it's just that we really must compare categories more often actually hold them side by side hold them up to death the little icon in the corner of my screen no way I'm going to click on it it's going to have to click on me and here we are at another frozen end please accept your melting icicle statue the Emperor's Sno Cone of Attention Award
From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon