I want to scream-sing a lullaby to your eyes So that they may sleep & that I may sleep & I know that it may be more jarring Than a simple anesthetic or tranquilizer But I like to think that the slumber is More genuine that way.
I want to scream-sing a lullaby to your eyes So that they retreat into their sockets & are shocked & need to form a plan of action With which to retaliate But then hopefully they get bored & fall asleep.
I want to scream-sing a lullaby to your eyes So that they might think that I’m a cool guy & then maybe in a few weeks or in the summer Sometime we can cook burgers & hotdogs & eat them & chat about our families & laugh at only the worst jokes.
I want to scream-sing a lullaby to your eyes So that they get tired of me screaming & I get tired of me singing & we can all be tired together.
I want to scream-sing a lullaby to your eyes Because eyes can’t hear things. & I like doing things that don’t make sense.