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Sep 2023
In the shadowed hours of night, beneath a moon's pale glow,
I wrestle with a silent foe, in sickness's cruel throes.
The fever burns, the body aches, as I lay in bed alone,
But I'll find the strength within, for I am not overthrown.

Days may pass in shades of gray, with weakness in my frame,
But in the depths of illness, I'll kindle hope's bright flame.
Through the dark and stormy night, I'll hold my head up high,
For I know that dawn is breaking, and I'll soon touch the sky.

In the battle against this illness, I stand with all my might,
With hope and faith as my allies, I'll conquer through the night.
Though my body's weak and weary, my spirit's strong and free,
I'll sing a song of healing, as I find the strength in me.

In the quiet of my solitude, I'll mend what's torn and worn,
With love and care, and tender prayers, a new day will be born.
For sickness may be temporary, but the spirit's ever true,
I'll rise above the shadows, with a heart that's strong and new.

As the sun breaks through the clouds, with renewed vitality,
I'll sing this song of triumph, for sickness shall not conquer me.
With each note, I'll rise above, and in my heart, I'll see,
The power of resilience, and the strength to truly be.
Written by
yndnmncnll  24/F/Philippines
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