nature's way of saying I love what you do with your tongue mom used to lick her hanky to clean my face of imaginary dirt for this I can only seek revenge my allies the hobo armies of doom also want revenge and maybe a banana now I have a sweet tooth with no answers for the impenetrable slits of her eyes the matinee audience was aghast so I knew we hit the glass jaw now back to the scheduled program our man on the scene Swigheart Backhoe sends this report from Flat, Nebraska on the next Heads of Kings exhibit down at the tent city Crusader camp as we try to figure out why ***** motility hasn't created a master race yet The best of millions fighting upstream like Steelers' running back Don Quixote over a million years and we still end up with politicians with red putty noses that go honk and readers of the Weekly World Snooze who renew their state of alarm by the minute we're not one step closer to Kingdom Come for it ***** motility then is as effective an indicator of Darwinian uber selection as a chicken on a rotisserie spit is an indicator of barnyard vitality you are alive right give yourself a pinch let's use ***** science to give the 2nd raters and mediocrities a chance at the brass ova the modern science of magnification their committees can certainly arrange for a shiftless layabout unimaginative spermatozoa to take a hero's poke at the moon enough with this Mother Nature swill put the couch potato, the hysteric the derelict pants ******* wino ***** up the beanpole and see who salutes Mother Nature eats her young and writes fat checks for the Eugenics Foundation of Savannah, Africa so does God have someone telling him what to think beyond reason most absolutely they all have the same mouthpiece so go for it you little tadpoles get in there you little champions
From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon