I had better say this before it is too late and I'm doing a battery check down at the School of the Americas badda boom mafia rim shot the old wisdoms are neo-inadequate and live in a wilderness of anachronisms all of them ding **** every sample even the Arctic and Antarctic ones he was a swami of pedestrian insights packaged for the pop psychology latrine circuit which hasn't got the people smarter faster buzzard shadows still make the dogs bark yank their chains free from the Mirage leaping into my inner sawdust ring fangs missing the bobbing juggler a klutz whose eyes see near to nothing aftermath of daily retinal blitzkriegs how many optical illusion sacraments can we fully rid ourselves of while remaining ambulatory and lucid like a black widow at the movies web over the projection hole ******* leggy thing on the screen making time into the enemy when it should be the enema or obsolete as clown paint and the pet rattlesnake craze every kid had the memo beaten into him it's the adrenals vs. the endorphins both of them a film noir fun house mirror one with a severe penalty for miscalculation the other giving us the freedom to happily destroy our self regard you need only see the obvious criminally reckless manhood hypochondriac womanhood foretelling the future ain't a big deal a child with a gun can do it gun because nobody wants to hear it apparently we haven't invented pain free illumination yet batteries not included because they are not needed because we are modifiable in a good way by our own hand
From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon