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Sep 2013
I am Miserable at best the truth is that i think my emotions cost me something  love

You see i would give my life to be with you but at this state  of the oppressed  

You see Darkness has been trying to take me over and i been fighting with my heart

You see i am at miserable at best because  i am not one to quit and when i see  a challenge i overcome it

Yes i have fallen and failed you see i wrote you something that showed my hearts true feelings you see i am miserable at best  and everyone whos been in my shoes knows This feeling as torture , great, a night mare, a dream   you see i know that i may never have this chance but all i ask or wish for is to be given that ONE SHOT and i will stay miserable at best because my life is not easy and it is not that i hoped for but it changes
Written by
Jordan stenberg  none of your business
(none of your business)   
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