wishing he had sung his prayers last night from both ends to the middle fell to the ground in supplication plastic Jesus hold my head a round of applause for once or even just a soft murmur from those in your employ my interrogator professor Zworykin said quietly we want information I knew I was up **** creek without an assault rifle with various blunt objects aimed at what was left of my head initiations with disfigurement so give me a melodic answer he encouraged yah well the Third ***** fell from bad music I regurgitated like a vampire in reverse furthermore the swelling is an obstacle I added for emphasis I mean evidence Zworykin was neither mollified nor inclined to use less aftershave a great ****** of a situation which is a poem in itself I got in a few imaginary hits before he called in the hockey franchise fine fellows who sang as they worked that's how we laugh the day away in the merry merry Land of Oz always a help to morale in the trenches men this is a spit shine day went Zworky cracking walnuts with his hydraulics stand ***** and do your regimentation proud they wavered then cheered then wavered when the going gets tough as it will look for a bar with a jukebox as does your present prostrate narrator to whom they ultimately allocated a very private security consultant good lord not another eccentric botanist endorphin soaked and bling speckled with his blemish free goats and his tunnel vision paparazzi hi I'm Joe Product family friend half con half circus half fury I screamed my one line in the play traffic fines double in poet zones
From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon