Je vous aime beacoup My father Forgiving me every single day Some sunny days During the Summer My father Also father I never Sleep in during the mornings Because I would be wasting A beautiful day If I sleep in during the mornings I will not sleep in during the nights So I stay up during the day Also, I wake up very early Every single day My father Now I am getting ready to start My day First I will shave my face With my electric shaver Then I will get undress And I will go in the shower Also, I will turn my shower on And I will have my shower First I will rub the bar of soap All over my skin The bar of soap removes The dirt from my skin Then I rinse my body Now is time to turn My shower of Finally, I am drying my body With a bath towel Now is time for me to Get dressed in my casual clothes I love to wear my casual clothes Every single day Also, I place my ***** clothes inside the Laundry back to be washed on Friday Now I will give my hair a brush So it won’t lock messy Je vous aime beaucoup My father For have made me With his holy hands Many years ago And also he placed me Here on earth to live Father, I love to live Here on earth Every single day Father, I am not lying to you I am telling you the truth I know father that you don’t like Lies Also lies won’t get me anywhere Father, I know that you are My father And also we have a good relationship Like father and son For many years now I want to work together with you In our relationship every single day My father Je vous aime beacoup father When the stars and the moonshine During the summer night I stay up during the Summer night And I sit down on my balcony chair Also, I took the time to gaze at the sky I saw the moon and the stars Shining so bright in the sky Yes father they look so beautiful During the Summer I go to bed At 12:00 am And the next day I woke up at 3:00 pm Because I was tired And also I needed the rest