Everything Lost Time to Perish No effort No desire Nothing left to find Nothing left to carry forward Not a Single Reason. Wanted someone to care A single entity to Try. And no one did.
When thoughts go sour, bitter foul wretched All encompassing Getting to the final moments Someone strange always seems to reach out. How odd, why does that happen? Some ridiculous Faux Pas To keep attached?
Shut up, Stop talking, No ones listening to you. Sleep halts thoughts... Only bringing hours For More Struggling to leave the room leave your mind Just a quietly loud existence That was never given a chance to echo.
Screams reverberate to own ears Seeming to pass through or Around Every Single Person Tried to connect with. So this infinite Silence And Misery Is already lived.
Except that it should never be lived A soul should not scream unto deaf ears. Feeling more lonely than if Chosen to be Invisible. For then the cloak could be shaken off, Join fellow humanity.
Here it is peaking around corners, hiding behind doors, changing pace and direction to avoid the crowds, or follow the crowd because that is easier than cutting a True Path.
So the chest rises heavy, sinking further Compacted. As the heels of your feet stomp over this Useless, faintly beating heart... Replacing it's ever faulty rhythm With something steady.