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Sep 2013
She is at a point in her life where the innocence of childhood is stripped away.

Thrown into a crazy world , where so much evil lurks , holding onto faith becomes her battle

Until all that is left is an eternity of mixed emotions

She exudes the illusions of perfect
But fails to commit

And seems to ruin anything good going for her

And screws over the one that made sense

But in her world , she dreams of a world just for two

Eloped from this hell she lives daily
Because its love, Because of the one

And she's dying for forgiveness

Because your smile is the paradise that elates her heart.
Neo Madime
Written by
Neo Madime  22/F/Pretoria, South Africa
(22/F/Pretoria, South Africa)   
   Kaleidoscope Prhyme and Leks
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