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Sep 2013
I saw my mum cry
Young I was, but I was smart enough to know that things were not right.
She wept through her fingers and tried to catch the mayhem of tears balling from her eyes
Her soft whimpers seeped through the silence of her room and whispered in my ears
She hid within the shadows of her bed, oblivious to the fact that I was watching
That I, a seven year old little girl, was watching by her door with ineffable confusion and angst

Till this day
She remains unaware that she was being watched that very night
And till this day
I remain forever aware that my mother;
My beautiful, loving and strong mother
Carries a broken heart filled with broken dreams
Every single day.
Written by
Ashatan Tee
   ---, Abeille, ChΓ©rie, Emily Tyler and ---
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