Do I bare my soul too much? Should I leave more room for mystique? I am not one for half truths and game-play I am honest and real.
Too open Too vulnerable Too needy Too ****** Too emotional Too much
Do I drive men away? Am I scaring them off? Am I not choosing just the right thing to say, Instead I say my truth.
It has cost me at job interviews, I don't do office politics. Has it cost me in love? I am not available for love, but I fall.
Have I made that too obvious? No *** without strings because I have to like him too, So can he tell, I will probably fall? I know my readers can.
'My readers' who know my deepest darkest secrets. Who have seen every 'too' in my life. No risk of you wanting me now, Fortunately I can put that down to distance.
You had no idea that if you was here We would be lovers, did you? (There I go, sharing too much again?