It is always better to get rid of something and discard it if it does not serve a purpose, especially with the media being a powerful tool in our country. The Media has a significant impact and is a powerful influence, so it is crucial to remain mindful, vigilant, and remember to be kind so that we take advantage of opportunities to become more well-intentioned!
A mix of different ideas and cultures can make us stronger and better at dealing with different opinions. How? When we embrace diversity, our other beliefs and cultures gain the strength to gracefully accept differing opinions and become more courageous and confident in standing up for what is right.
Sometimes, we might fail to reach our goals even when we try hard to improve things for ourselves and others. Setbacks are a normal part of the process. But we should never give up on our strengths. We always win when we defeat bad things, whether inside or outside the world. We should always try to keep our strengths strong and not purposely let them become weaker.