a follow out of the blue whats a year when its true friendship or love wheres the line? can we ignore what was once there resist the irresistible
u said u hoped i would text i said i hoped you would respond i didnt say i dreamed of you the night i texted not for the first time i’ll admit but this time it was different
i was stuck. no way out. or through. or around. out of the blue a doorbell rings and im opening the door and falling into your arms
I woke to your message mere hours later im somehow a year back (i really didnt fight that hard though)
my heart aches for love to be understood and cherished held in the highest and most deepest of regards i miss that feeling i really did miss you you know
every turn a knew reminder every reminder a painful stab of what used to be.. so- right
but was now so wrong
i lay here in one of few sweatshirts i have left a bastardized relic of the shrine i used to possess wondering if this time it’ll last