kites flew in his mind & kept his head in the clouds, forcing me to send messages to the sky in hope he doesn't take flight with my world on his shoulders.
he was a traveler intent on conquering every mountain he could lay his hands on, & leaving every atlas to burn beneath his fingers; like pain searing on a map of hurt on his lover's skin - directionless but in motion.
cigarettes were his staple diet with beer to wash out the bitter taste of a quick fix. his smoke & ashes injected adrenaline into my wasted body & set my vision straight when i was getting drunk off of him on a monday, or tuesday (or any day mid-week). intoxication was a breath of fresh air on nights when he wasn't - the nights that i had promised myself i wouldn't cave in to my drunken wishes.
spirits gave me spirit & silenced my thoughts to allow my body to speak for me in a language i knew he would understand.
he kept me close by his side as he slept through the nights that the weather shared our bodies' passion, his heart unable to translate the song his bag of bones played into tachycardic rhythm to match my own.
his arms would curl around every inch of my being, holding every ounce of me but without seeing that imperial measurements held little meaning to someone who quantifies in metric.
last love, i send messages to the sky in hope you aren't my last love.
as seen on my deviantart: