Whoever told you that requited love doesn't hurt was wrong If more it kills every living cell inside your body It tears away your heart living your chest solo It racks your brain making it a jumbled mess It weakens your spirit by deeming it
Whoever told you requited love is a walk in the beautiful blue sea was right Yet they never warned you about the dark storms that shake your existence Yet nobody mentioned the jaws of hungry sharks awaiting to devour you Yet no one said that at times you would drown so deep only having yourself to rescue you Yet what they saw was the beautiful aqua blue but no one saw the ugly black of the Bermuda love triangle
Whoever told you that requited love was a walk in the park was somewhat not mistaken I wonder if they told you , you'd step in dog **** in the park and in love you may stumble upon disturbing facts I wonder if they told the park might have laughter but some go there because they need a break from unruly passions I wonder if they told you that people get kidnapped in a park and so does love cage the heart I wonder if they knew walking in the park on a rainy day can cause a cold because in love,love sickness is a disease that can very well **** you
Whoever told you requited love was the icing on top of the cake probably had a sweet tooth Here I am confirming you may never get to finish the whole cake to taste the icing Here I am addicted to the sweet savory taste of love that now I feel nauseous Here I am having toothaches after a terrible fall Here I am believe that if requited love is the icing at least unrequited love won't give you any tonsils since the icing and the cake will never be yours.
All aspects of love hurt whether requited or unrequited.