I remember the days when You were just a boy running alongside us, Super-speeding on the roads and Meeting us, or at least me, at the junction
I remember the days when You were just a reflection off the Lonely lights, which never shone, A companion in the dark, companionless nights
I remember the days when You were just standing there in a corner Smiling like an idiot or worried to the max When I was sleeping soundly and you'd Watch me curl up into a ball and drool, Or when I was crying, huddling in my Little ball of blankets, screaming silent howls
I remember the day You left.
You left without a trace. You didn't say anything. I anticipated the whole night for you to Take me away into that Non-existent kingdom in a dreamland Not so far
I waited I stayed up And I did curl up into a ball I cried the whole night through, My eyes were red and puffy But I couldn't tell them why
And honestly I grew very mad Because you never came Until three or four years later
But once I knew your reason I'd shut up for the Seemingly longest time