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May 2023
I thought I could handle it
He didn't touch me that much
It was just one touch
And nothing more

But I didn't relize the anxiety I would have driving back
I didn't know the pain I would have
Standing in the same spot where it happened
I didn't think I was so good
At pretendeding I was ok

Until I started to break
The tears falling down my face
My legs shaking uncomfortably
My chest tightening

I struggled to breath
To remain calm
When I lost control of my body
And all thought was of the past

The past as a child
When it first happened
The past of a teenager
When it happened again, but worse
The past of a adult
Who just wanted to feel loved

I thought I was doing good
But maybe I lied to myself
And just got good
At bottling it up inside
Writing of the Unknown
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Writing of the Unknown  F
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