You say you trust me but constantly spy on me checking my location dozens of times a day confronting me when every little movement doesn't add up when I don't tell you exactly where I am when I don't tell you my every single move I can't breathe, I can't move it feels like you're holding a pillow to my face as I claw and kick at any limb I can catch it's a battle between the two of us seeing who will pass out first who will give in and give up You treat me as a child even as we're both in our twenties I don't need another deadbeat dad telling me everything I'm doing wrong nagging me for every decision I make never believing in me, criticizing every move I make I don't need someone else who is only proud to be seen with me when it works best for them acting like an overbearing mother with a delinquent of a child keeping me on a leash shorter than your temper I am scared to make one wrong move to finally rid myself of this disease you call love