a problem, or even just a thing, in multitudes of fractions in fractions of uncertaintity I need find only one path to certainty. why be overwhelmed in all of the subsections of problems and pathes when you can only look to continously solve the right one for your life's intention ? What are the right intentions ? When you look, what path do you seek to look and what do you find ? Is that the true or only true path ? Which is the best path to take ? The path that you find the best to take ? Well, how does it occur, what occurs from it, and how does it feel or lead you ? Are you feeling to others ? Thinking to them ? Are they feeling to you ? And sure, there's a lot to find in work of the solution to whichever problem, but once we're there, I'm ready to begin. Do you take accounts as you go ? Or do you let it go ? Do you focus on your account, or other's account, or solely your own, or solely your others, or both, or all harmonously ? Do you forgive the debts ? Or do you settle the score ? Love meaning more ? Or open more sores ? Healing the poor ? Or does the hurting still adore ?