L ike a thief in the night , I t came. F aint entry yet fierce intention. E veryone is at stake.
I' m S cared.
W eary from our woes we all share A deep need for... R escue.
L ook at your guns and ammunition. I t' s all primitive. F or what' s really out there E ven the strongest calibre is no match.
I' m S ad.
W hen will rescue come ? A nd what will it bring ? R ather , who will it leave ?
L ong is the battle. I njured are many....uncountable. F rightened we should all be because E vacuation is not up to us.
I' m S tuck.
W ade in the warfare. A bide by it' s laws. R each the end.
L and of the Living. I 've heard stories of such a place. F inding It is the mystery , yet E xistence of such a place is the pursuit.
I' ll S tride.
W e' re all in danger and desperate. A bsolution is a gift. R ealize and remember that gift.
Imagine what' s hidden in the shadows and the sounds buried beneathe the earth. What if you saw it all ? What if you heard it all ? What would you care about then ? The world is a big place with mighty mysteries. It' s scary to think of what we haven' t experienced...but can. It' s scary to know , how "easy to ****" we all can be and it' s even more intimidating to realize what we' re all afraid of is all afraid of something else. Something mysterious.