No, You're not the one whose hair escaped you From the chemo treatments Roving for potable water Or on a diet of only rice for three years
No, You're not the one who is just about leaving Sitting in prison for crimes the universe made you do Or the one beat half to death by a troupe of enraged hominids
But don't you think it's sad you have to do that? Like Jesus Christ Bent to yourself Like Mohammad Blessed Be His Name Forced to prophecy what kills you Like the Buddha With your ***** desires Accessing higher dimensions fully aware of your ineptitude?
Sitting in a mansion crying Covered in peanut butter, Crying to the moon You are almost the same size as the sun in the sky What the hell is that supposed to mean?
You definitely hit the nail on the head But wasn't it into your own?
Was it the best thing or the worst And never having a metric to judge it against?