cloudy early brightly walking auto pilot busing an extra hour of penciled words just for your entrusting trigun sketches life drawn messes another joined us later and when the photos posted he was clearly there and on the table in the conversation causing laughter blushing i was not expecting because now you know
but then at one, another ride a couple window hours yet again an extra time a walk sublime the flowers were in blossom cherry petal soles to your aunt and uncles home a pink abode above a pretty road a most beautiful smile just beyond the door
oh how i missed you
talk of alcohol and crushes/ down the block and such this is/ so wonderful i love you, club or tonic i dont know the difference
dicing garlic in the kitchen noodles cooking bread baking i tried white wine for the first time (it was not particularly good) but i drank it and i love you, watching tv on the couch the little man that mr chicken he is just a little guy a darling baby boy a chunky kitten makes me think to past and how it felt in the backseat of the hospital parking lot i miss him
long hugs by the sink, a purple face cloth to my hands a day that is so beautiful my love, the heart expands