Back in my fundie days,
Anyone could be happy, if
They really wanted to.
If you tried hard enough, all
Your wishes would come true.
Love was forever and divorces weren't possible, unless
You were selfish.
Kids didn't disappoint their parents, if
You raised them right.
People had addictions because they chose them, and
They could quit if they'd just stop.
Depression was a sign that
You weren't relying upon God enough.
Back in my fundie days.
Back in my fundie days,
I had a fish on my car, an index finger in the air, and
a pipeline to God.
I was going to heaven and
I knew how you could too.
There was only one name for the Almighty, and
It was “God,” and God was a HE.
Prayers were always answered, if
You had enough faith.
All solutions were found in the Good Book, and
You could look them up for yourself.
Back in my fundie days.
Back in my fundie days,
I lived in a country founded on Christian principles,
the ten commandments and the twelve apostles.
People were poor, because
They were lazy and didn't want to work.
My country was right, and
If you disagreed, you could move away.
Protesters were communists, who were
Trying to tear this country down.
English was the undisputed language,
Both here and abroad.
Back in my fundie days.
Back in my fundie days,
I knew the difference between right and wrong,
With no shades of confusing gray.
There was a place for everything.
You, me, us, them,
God, family, country, life...
It was much simpler, when
There were more answers
Back in my fundie days.