It has been dark for so long The air has been heavy and oppressive It’s been difficult to hold ones head high Every day negativity oozed everywhere Like a heavy weight Everything became hard In spite of it People kept trying People kept helping People kept caring Though they were tired But hope was diminishing Getting fainter But, after some time A small sliver of light shone through In the darkness, it seemed even brighter People began to focus on it Watch it Fascinated They then started walking towards it The closer they came, the brighter it became Almost like a lighthouse beacon The light was soothing It was also healing Eventually the light increased Shining down everywhere Causing the darkness to finally recede Hope grew Faith grew The heaviness lifted For the first time in a long time People saw possibilities They actually started to see the people around them Their neighbors, friends, co-workers And they were also seen They talked and were heard They listened and understood Empathy started to grow Care for one another grew It was a brand new day