when he said, "this is my note, after all, thats what people do, right? leave a note?" my heart completely caved > in. <
when my teacher said that a lot of people commit suicide due to bullying or because they feel unaccepted, i raised my hand to speak up about the facts.
the true facts.
how more than half of the homeless teenage population are gay. they were kicked out by their mums and dads.
how its not just the bullying, how its them too.
they feel so alone and we always wonder why there is a new name in the paper saying, "Suicide--Age --" and yet because of someone being p u s h e d to far
it made them take their own life.
i wish i could stop suicides, i wish for once i could be the one who closed the door on death.
but im no rolemodel, i always let death back in.
but that doesnt mean i wont help you take him out.
if you ever need someone to talk to, please please please dont hesitate to either talk to me or one of the other HP members. call a hotline or call your friends. write it down, talk to someone. 1-800-273-8255 heres the suicide hotline. please, if you need it, use it.