Energy takes the path of least Resistance! dedicate your life with epic love To a narcissist. they can only see you, As an assistant! When love ascends you Fills you with vigor You become more than what you thought you could have been, The love You would lay your life down for. At best they may have seen you as a friend. When conflict means compromise in you eyes , You naturally avoid it at all cost. If you believe it's a strategy Of benevolence They will never see the suffering sacrifice And deeper meaning behind the offerings meant. To them your prosperity , Is their opportunity, Truly tell them of depravity You went through to help them.? You already know ........ " I told you you didn't have to!" Or " Why would you do that , that doesn't make any sense....... Well that's on you . ....." Or the lecture ....... "You need to learn to say no .... I would never lend out my last twenty dollars ....... Just say no .....!" They leave you with a feeling of (*** is wrong with you?) And probably not gonna pay you back , Because you'll just give it away to some other fool.
Keep your money and your time Find the pleasures in life Find the people who try to lend their time and money to you, And then don't accept it If your idea of compromise, Means you give into what ever need be To create a calm sea ..... Your missing out , Don't give in until you find something ,,,,,,, Anything you can gain from these " compramitcal opportunities, For a great sailor is never made with a calm sea...... And within adversity are riches and fame like the world's never seen .......... All for the taking Don't give up Never give in Every day overcome adapt And recognize opportunities Always full understand no one is more worthy than you . All who agree with what is written let's hear a hearty I I ......... It's unanimous The e... H... . T!