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Dec 2022
Lawrence Hall
LogoSophia Magazine – A Pilgrim’s Journal of Life, Literature and Love
Fellowship & Fairydust (

              Universal All-Purpose InterGossip Post Response
                       for The Year of Our Daily Mail 2022

Tinder box iconic cannon fodder
iconic clown show iconic clown circus
iconic clown car iconic clown train
iconic absolute clown show train iconic
he didn’t get the memo iconic
you had one job iconic I have no words
iconic new and selected iconic
subvert iconic at its best iconic
I’m getting the popcorn iconic much
iconic subversive iconic witch hunt
iconic fairy tale wedding iconic
unsung iconic what could possibly go wrong
iconic there, there fixed it for you iconic
FACT I’ll wait iconic oh, wait iconic
snake-oil salesman iconic taking the world
by storm iconic all aboard the crazy train
iconic you could google it iconic
tightknit community iconic worst
case scenario iconic Tinder box
iconic cannon fodder iconic
he didn’t get the memo iconic
you had one job iconic I have no words
iconic new and selected iconic
subvert iconic at its best iconic
much iconic subversive iconic
witch hunt iconic fairy tale wedding
iconic unsung iconic what could
possibly go wrong iconic there,
fixed it for you iconic FACT iconic
I’ll wait iconic oh, wait iconic
snake oil salesman iconic taking the world
by storm iconic you could google it
iconic tightknit community iconic
worst case scenario iconic end of
iconic quelle surprise iconic wheelhouse
iconic dog and pony show iconic
iconic in the crosshairs iconic
jaw dropping iconic supply chain iconic
decolonize iconic post-colonial
iconic neo-colonial iconic
just dropped iconic unshackled writers
iconic quagmire iconic not out of the woods
just wow iconic facepalm iconic
LOL iconic pulled out all the stops
iconic systematic racism iconic
systemic racism iconic structural
racism iconic RINO iconic
Demoncrat iconic Republicrap
iconic bombshell iconic game changer
iconic wow iconic just wow iconic
end of story iconic tight knit iconic
field day iconic perfect storm iconic
winter wonderland iconic
Written by
Lawrence Hall
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